We answer questions regarding migration issues in the context of cross-border family situations

Challenges in cross-border family situations

The core competence of ISD also includes dealing with migration-specific issues in the context of cross-border family situations and conflicts. The advice and case work of ISD therefore also includes family reunification, unaccompanied minors and other aspects of migration and asylum law. In its advocacy work, ISD draws attention to specific problems, challenges and the need for action in family related migration issues.

Overview and referral

In individual cases, ISD supports families and professionals by providing an overview of migration and asylum law as well as referring individuals to specific advice centers or competent institutions. For example, ISD can help to clarify whether family reunification is in the best interests of the child in a specific case. Through the global network, ISD can establish contact with foreign specialist agencies and examine possibilities for family reunification and for entry and exit. ISD always bears in mind the coordination and cooperation of the various players, such as the Youth Welfare Office and immigration authorities. 

Migration law and child and youth welfare

ISD also advises on issues at the interface between migration law and youth welfare and thus acts as a guide in this area. The lack of information exchange between the parties involved, as well as a lack of knowledge about areas of responsibility and the applicable legal basis, are obstacles to finding solutions in the best interests of the child. In addition, the two areas of law can sometimes contradict each other due to their different forms of protection. This is the case, for example, if the re-entry of a child abducted from Germany is prevented because its residence permit expired due to the abduction abroad; or if families are asked to leave the country while the children are receiving youth welfare services in Germany. 

ISD can be consulted at any time in order to consider all important perspectives and to avoid contradictions in the best interests of the child. Important preventative work can be carried out by involving, sensitising and coordinating all key players. Through specialist conferences and recommendations, ISD identifies concrete opportunities for cooperation for youth welfare offices, immigration authorities and other stakeholders and promotes an ongoing exchange.